Thursday, July 19, 2012

God Bless America!

How do you endure a 96 degree day?  Good friends and food...poolside!  This 4th of July came on the heels of a record setting 105 degree we all took to my in-laws backyard pool. Between the grilled corn and cornhole and just plain kickin' back, fun was had by everyone.

Well...almost everyone.  Not sure what elicited that pout, but it boys will be boys!

Thankfully, they have a pool and a large source of water was a lifesaver...if you don't have a big float, then improvise!

It took some persistence...getting 10 kiddos to sit still for THE photo of the day, but...

it paid off.  It can take several shots to get what you want.  Luckily, they were pretty patient, except for Jake.  NEVER surrender the flag!

Happy 4th of July!

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