Thursday, July 19, 2012

God Bless America!

How do you endure a 96 degree day?  Good friends and food...poolside!  This 4th of July came on the heels of a record setting 105 degree we all took to my in-laws backyard pool. Between the grilled corn and cornhole and just plain kickin' back, fun was had by everyone.

Well...almost everyone.  Not sure what elicited that pout, but it boys will be boys!

Thankfully, they have a pool and a large source of water was a lifesaver...if you don't have a big float, then improvise!

It took some persistence...getting 10 kiddos to sit still for THE photo of the day, but...

it paid off.  It can take several shots to get what you want.  Luckily, they were pretty patient, except for Jake.  NEVER surrender the flag!

Happy 4th of July!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


So behind on posting stuff, but thought a little bit of mirth for the day was called for.  My son's preschool(which I adore) had "Crazy hair, pajama and silly sock day" today.  The prospect of fashioning a mohawk was daunting.  I would have flunked out of cosmetology school, but my husband, however...he took on the challenge with great gusto and this is the proud culmination of his efforts.

Very Flock of Seagulls, but who doesn't love a little retro stylin'?  Faux-hawks always get a double take!  And this mama will love these treasured photos when he's sixteen and dating;-)  Have a colorful day!  And remember to be young at heart...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm thankful for the color PINK

for obvious reasons....

Friday, November 11, 2011

 My freedom... thanks to ALL who have served to keep us free from all but self-imposed tyranny...


OK..Halloween is over and we're supposed to reflect on ALL we are THANKFUL for:  Here goes:
1) My Beautiful family! how fortunate am I that BOTH of my kids chose the "challenging" template from Pumpkin Master's kit?  How soon until they can use a tiny saw without injury, I ask?  Anyway, we met up with the Dunbarton crew and our besties, The Hatchers, for some wicked FUN...enjoy!

Eric was Thomas the Tank engine 2 years in a row(Yes!) and Rachel was a Princess...surprise!  But they embraced the eerie magic that constitutes HALLOWEEN!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Apparently, I don't know how to post more than two photos.  Ok, so I'm new at this, but I love my kids and have discovered a true passion for photography.  A picture is worth a thousand words after all...

Every good caper needs a dedicated villain and Uncle Brian delivered...and nearly got caught by the posse of 5 year olds who were surprisingly FAST!   Into the corn maze at Deep Well Farms we went, in hot pursuit!

When asked who was scared, only a scant few were brave enough to confess, but everyone left with a smile!

And a pumpkin!  Happy Halloween!